The purpose of this web site is to provide information about the Glenbard West class of 1965 Classmates and to maintain a historical record of past reunions, other celebrations, plus items of potential interest from our days at Glenbard.
Established May 26, 2010...Over 140,000 unique visitors since it was posted on the web.
After a half century of providing stellar support for the Glenbard West class of 1965, Jim Pehta is retiring! As testament to his impact, several classmates will be attempting to fulfill his role and assuming some support duties.
The website will be managed by Alice Johnson Brainerd. All reqested edits from January 2023 to individuals’ contact information have been applied. Each classmate can update their information themselves. If they have questions or issues with updating, they can contact Alice. All classmates are now listed in the 1965 Classmates section, including those who have passed away, with a comment to see Memorials.
A planning group has been working on the 2025 60th reunion. Kathy Wilson Nickelman is the contact person for the group. A section on the website will provide details when they become available. Anyone interested in reunion planning can contact Kathy. Nancy Stark Lake is searching for missing classmates. A few have been found. If you have any contact information re: our fellow classmates, especially email addresses, please let Nancy know.
You can reach each of the support persons using the Contact link in their entries in the 1965 Classmates section.
All classmates are now integrated into the 1965 Classmates section. Those without contact information have the comment "Contact Information is Missing" displayed. There are also classmates with home addresses but no email. They have no green Contact me button. Those who have passed away have the comment “See Memorials” for details.
Many others have provided much needed support for past reunions and projects. Without them, the events would never have happened. Thanks to each of them! And again, profuse thanks to Jim Pehta for guiding us through these many decades.
Hopefully you will enjoy the trip down memory lane!!
PLEASE NOTE: There is a Search button on the 1965 Classmates section front page. You can select how you want the classmates’ list sorted. “Last Name” refers to current last/married name. “Name at Graduation” refers to name at Glenbard/maiden name.