1965 Missing

The following classmates are not contained on our current classmate roster. We are working on reconciling this list with the existing roster.

There is a special photo album with their 1965 yearbook picture.
Please help us if you know the current information for a missing classmate on this list, by sending an email to Nancy Stark Lake; a link to her contact information is available on the 1965 Classmates page.  Thank you!

Jill Arthur
Vida Jean Baker
Patricia Balasa
Sandra Boodry
Mary Bost
Leigh Ann Bovett
Jean Burghart
Keith Chadwick
Gary Clinton
Peter Coleman
John Collins
Ellen Couch
Carol Courtney
George Dawson
Bruce Dennis
Christina Dunfee
James Early
Penny Eidem (Slusser)
Melvin Fly
Doreen Foster
Judy Gilmore
Belita Gordon (Kuznitz)
Dolores Grien
Barbara Gronek
Donna Hansen
Craig Heuss
Greg Hileman
Robert Hoffman
Carol Hogan
Dan Hook
Greg Hooker
Claudia Jensen (Hatton)
Marilyn Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Ronald Jones
Terry Karner (Manier)
Richard Kibbey
Joyce Konda
Ruth Kriss
Lorraine Lambert (Bakke)
Bonnie Lowden
Saramae Lynch
John Maly
Robert Matylewicz
William McElreath
Patricia McKane
Bill McKnight
Suzann McMahon
Ronald Nelson
David Nicholas
Charles Orians
Carolyn Parker
Charlene Reinink
Thomas Rich
Judith Riddle
Barbara Rudisaile
Steve Sanders
Edward Siebert
Patricia Simmons
Steven Smith
Henry Smith III
Sharon Spatafora
Dolores Sperando
Louanne Spring
Maryann Squires
Jacqueline Stearns
Robert Swatek
Bill Teague
Monica Tolkmitt (Riley)
Brenda Tucker
Sharon Tyson
Ann Weibel (Bushnell)
Glen Wellman
Ann Wheeler (Bartol)
Linda Wilcoxon
George Willcox
Junellen Williams (Beccara)
Kit Williams
David Woodworth
Richard Yeager